Friday, December 24, 2021

What You Didn't Know About Sex That You Didn't Know You Didn't Know


Usually, by the time you're in your 40s and 50s, you know a lot about sex. I was pretty educated about sex. Knew my body pretty well, and knew what to do in the bedroom. Mind you, this isn't really a topic people talk with each other about. But by the time you're in that age group, generally, you know what you're doing. 

But then there are transgender women who have transitioned. What a muddled mess! Freaking nothing feels the same. Nothing works the same. Things that used to be awesome are useless, and things you never thought of before are the things you need to do. But good luck figuring out what these things are because no one else knows either!

Add to that, every woman is different, and what works for one woman doesn't work for another. Then, there is the reality of being transgender. Some of us have different parts than others of us do. Not only might doing a certain thing not work, but it literally might not even be possible!

As if that weren't enough, there are questions about your sexuality, when you're a transgender woman. Do you like women? Do you like men? Are you gay? Lesbian? Bisexual? Asexual? Pansexual? Does it matter? If it doesn't matter, what does that mean? Emotionally, does being nude in front of a man as a transgender woman scare the heck out of you, or excite you? What about in front of a woman?

One of the biggest challenges? What works today might well not work tomorrow, because now you have a woman's body with a woman's hormones, and gosh does that body do things the same way as cis-gender women or what?!? So today, you might want a gentle touch on your nipples because it totally drives you wild. Tomorrow? Well, tomorrow you might need it to feel like someone pinched the heck out of them, or you might not want them touched at all. Who knows?

There are no manuals for this stuff. None. It's all trial and error. You feel awkward like you have never felt before. The difference between you and most folks is they get to explore over a series of years, whereas you're kind of expected to know it all asap, while unlearning all you knew before. It's being nervous. I have no idea why a person would feel nervous exploring alone in a room, but trust me, it is very possible. 

If someone else is there, what are they seeing? Do you look good or ridiculous or awesome? What are they thinking? It's a learning experience for your partner(s) too. They can be just as nervous and awkward about it as you are because this is new to them too. 

It's all kind of awful. Just being honest.

Yet, it is also one of the best experiences of your life. I have had the blessing of my wife and two women friends who encouraged me to try to just relax and take my time to figure things out. That's wise advice. Why?

Skin feels different. Touch feels different. Used to have a hairy chest? Might not now! Responses and reactions, goodness are they different! The most challenging part, and I guess it seems silly that it would be challenging, is that after transitioning the topography (in other words, the contour of your body) is a lot different. That can be startling in the middle of a private moment!

You can't stop because it's awkward. It's too important to quit on. This isn't riding a bicycle. Rather, it's trying to fly an airplane by channeling your bicycle riding experience. You have to keep learning, because if you don't, the nervousness, awkwardness, and embarrassment will overpower you, and when you fall off the bike you might never get back on. 

Harder still than overcoming everything and exploring yourself is figuring out how to explain to someone what you desire to feel and experience. Believe it or not, your vocabulary has to change too, or the way you ask for a certain touch might get you something you didn't anticipate. You have to make sure you don't ruffle feathers if your partner is a man, or hurt feelings if your partner is a woman. It's easy to do. A little understanding goes a long way. 

Don't give up. But don't just jump right back into the pool, either. Learn about yourself first. Why? Because you don't know what you don't know, yet. But learning it can be fun!

Sunday, December 12, 2021

Trans in the Gas Station


When you're doing something new, and you're not super confident, and you feel awkward and unsure, seeing someone else who is doing that same thing with confidence can be a real boost to your courage. Do you know what I mean?

I had only just started thinking about transition and hadn't made up my mind yet. I was full of self-doubt, nervousness, and often, outright fear at the idea. Could I do it? Really do it, and feel good about myself?  No one really makes a go of this in real life, right? People are super really crazily obvious when they transition, and look ridiculous. Right? 

Well, that's what I thought, anyway. Bring fair, the only real public face of being transgender I could think of was Ms. Jenner. I didn't really want to be her. 

My mind went back and forth. I didn't know what to do, to be honest. 

But one day I was at work, driving around the city of Dayton, OH. I was downtown, at the University of Dayton campus, and stopped in at a local Speedway gas station to get something to drink. 

I am one to analyze women's clothing. I form an opinion on outfits. Did she put together something cohesive? Does it accentuate her best features? Would that look good on me? Why or why not?

I was standing at the soda fountain, filling a cup with ice-cold Diet Coke. I saw a woman move to the coffee counter and begin to draw a cup of coffee from a carafe. She was wearing a blouse, flats, and a knee-length denim skirt. It looked good on her, and it worked very well with her hair and body shape. She had a great smile too. 

She turned to the side, and I was suddenly shocked to detect the faint bulge of a penis under her skirt fabric as she moved! She was pretty, had great hair, built, and well dressed, and I would have never guessed she was transgender. I was literally amazed.

I thought about her the rest of the day, and off and on for at least a week. She did it. She transitioned, and was kicking butt at it. She really was. She was out in public, confident, and living her life. I can't tell you what a shot in the arm that was. 

And now, here I am.

Sunday, November 21, 2021

Green Is the Color of "Huh?"


As a member of the Army Reserve, I was attending drill. My unit was stationed at the Defense Supply Center Columbus (DSCC) in the Columbus, Ohio area. This is a large supply complex, on which in addition to the warehouses, etc., numerous Reserve and National Guard units were located. 

The drill started out like they often did, with one of the least challenging Physical Training (exercise) sessions at the DSCC gymnasium. I was at worst only mildly sweaty, but I really, really hate being smelly and dirty. The gym shower area, not at all my favorite place, was undergoing renovation. Only about half the showers were available, and my platoon was ordered to return to the building we drilled in to shower there. This surprised me, as we usually were forbidden to go there, but rather, it was saved for the E-8s and E-9s

As a transgender woman, I do not at all like having to undress in front of men. But, in the military, I was still not out, because at that time, being transgender was against regulations. with 28 years of service, I didn't want to lose it all.

At our building, there was a crappy little shower area, with 2 shower heads, 4 hooks on a wall, and a decently long bench. The shower heads were in a separate room, behind the bench room, and each shower head had a really long curtain. I soon found myself at the shower area and was shocked to see I was the only one present. Heck yeah!

I undressed quickly. Believe me, you undress quickly when you're in a men's shower room with shaved legs, armpits, and pubic area, and painted toenails. In this case, a medium-dark green. Frankly, they looked pretty good! But I quickly pulled on shower shoes and went into the other room to shower. 

As I started to shower, I heard someone come in, and the guy spoke to me, addressing me by name. He was a Staff Sergeant in my platoon, and apparently, he saw me go in. So he was talking about the upcoming activities, just general talk. But, while we were at the gym, he had been talking about this Soldier, a Corporal, that was in the unit several years ago. It seems that, according to him, this person was really weird. But, we had left the gym. 

Sensing a captive audience, he continued his story. The Corporal, it seems, was soft spoken, seemed very odd in general, didn't like sports, always smelled like baby powder, and all sort of things. As he spoke, I heard him come on into the shower area and go into the other spot. The water came on over there. 

Yet, the story continued. The Corporal in question always seemed to act differently around some male Soldiers. I was told that he was seen getting his hair cut in a beauty salon. Apparently, at one time, he was seen taking a shower, and he had his toenails painted blue. I was told how shocking this was, and how stupid it was that a guy would paint their toes. All this while I stood there with green toenails. Hey, at least green is an Army color!

I finished up quickly, and went to dry off. I moved as quickly as possible, and was soon wearing panties, a uniform t-shirt, and pulled on the uniform pants. I sat on the bench, and quickly dried my right foot, and reached for my sock. 

As I picked up the sock, the Staff Sergeant came out of the shower room and sat next to me. Looking over at me, and no doubt wondering for a moment why my face looked so goofy, he said "Can you believe any guy would paint his toenails? What a pussy! I mean, can you -". As he said it, he noticed the green on my foot as I reached to pull on my sock. He croaked out a startled "huh?" and then his voice stopped. 

Now, this guy wasn't someone who was violent. Thankfully. He was our supply sergeant. Goodness, was he shocked. He was quiet for a moment, then stammered for a moment, a silly sounding "uh uh uh uh". By this time, I had both socks on, and was pulling on my boots. I'm a  combat veteran, Putting boots on only takes a few seconds.

I was out of there while he was still shocked. The shower area opened onto the building's drill floor, which is just a large room that served as an area for meals, as well as a place to clean weapons, practice marching, all sorts of stuff. All I had to do was pull my top on over my t-shirt, and I looked just like everyone else.

I was concerned about what he would do. I'm sure he gossipped about it to others, but no one ever said a word to me about it. 

Thursday, November 18, 2021



I'm the brunette, transgender wife.

Growing up, I attended a conservative Christian church in Ohio. As a teen, life was complicated enough, but for me, being the teen I was, things were often even more complicated, but I had no idea why at the time. They just were.

There came a time in my life where I wanted to be baptized. It was, for lack of a better term, treated like a rite of passage for people in my church group. If you believed in Jesus, then you were baptized, to publicly demonstrate this belief. So I asked to be baptized. That’s what people did.

Churches tend to group baptisms together, for various reasons. Accordingly, one Sunday, at the end of the church service, there were several people grouped into the men’s restroom near the sanctuary (church word for an auditorium), changing out of church clothes into the clothing they intended to wear for baptism.

The church group I was part of practiced what’s called immersion baptism, which simply means you’re going to get dunked underwater, fully clothed. So, you want to wear clothing that you can change back out of quickly, and that won’t leave you feeling embarrassed when people see you dripping wet. In other words, no white clothing.

In this restroom were my youth pastor, a very nice person named Jon, several other adult men, my brother, and me. All changing clothes. I was self-conscious about myself, and for sure didn’t want to get undressed in a room with a bunch of guys, and I also didn’t want to be in a room with a bunch of naked guys. But, it had to be done. I remember at one point, I was bent over taking off my socks, and as I started to rise back up, I discovered a man right in front of me, also bent over, facing away from me, his penis and balls hanging between his legs, right in front of my face. I was shocked and very embarrassed.

I didn't know what to do. I froze.  

One at a time, we all went through a door and took our turn being baptized.

I was baptized. I don’t remember a thing about it, at all. I only remember that man’s genitals being thrust right in front of my face. It was such a very awkward situation. 

Saturday, November 6, 2021

Private Lewis


The following happened while I was in the period of knowing something was wrong; something was different, but I didn't understand yet what it was.

While in the Army, I was stationed at Ft. Campbell, Kentucky. I lived in a military barracks, surrounded by men. It wasn’t an environment I was comfortable in, to be honest. There was a lot of “testosterone” going on, and that just wasn’t my thing. I just didn't know why yet. 

Barracks in the 1980s weren’t designed with privacy in mind. You shared a room with 2 or 3 guys and were never alone. The bathrooms didn’t have stall doors. The showers were crude and dirty, no matter how hard we tried to clean them, and lacked any sort of curtain. The shower rooms there had 4 shower heads, all in a row along the same wall.

One Saturday evening I was taking a shower. I had gotten wet, and soaped up, and was at that point in the shower where you’ve gotten the water as hot as you can stand it, and are just standing there, letting the water cascade down your body. It felt so darned good! I had been in the field, was grimy, and desperately wanted to be clean. 

I opened my eyes and realized someone had entered the shower. It was a new Soldier in the unit, named Private Lewis. I had just met him the previous day. He stood there under the water, his eyes closed. Lewis was tall, black, unusually well built, good looking, and I suddenly realized I was seeing parts of him I hadn’t seen before. As discreetly as possible, I watched him shower, his skin gleaming wetly as the water cascaded down over him.

Most times I was around nude men, I was extremely embarrassed, uncomfortable, and self-conscious. This time, for some reason, I was nervous, but not super uncomfortable. That lasted until I saw the muscles in his thighs and butt moving as he bathed, and I realized suddenly that I was responding physically!

I was suddenly desperate to get out of there. I needed so strongly to hide, to not be seen reacting to his body, to not be seeing him because I was terrified that I might react further. I was mortified and so very confused. Why in the world had I responded like that? Did I find him attractive? Oh my God! Was I gay?!?!?!? What was wrong with me?!?

I spent a very upset, confused night in my barracks room. Looking back, knowing what I know now, it makes perfect sense. But at the time, it was frightening. 

Saturday, September 25, 2021

Telling Our Kids


Frankly, telling our kids I am transgender terrified me. There's just no other way to say it. There was so much that could have gone wrong. I desperately wanted it to go well. Both of our kids were raised in a conservative Christian environment, and this gave me concern. My comforting thoughts were that they are genuinely good people and that both of them had shown signs of rebellion against that conservative background. 

Our older child is whip-smart, but that isn't who she is as a person. It does, however, enable her to dig deep into things and toss them around, and so I knew that she might well have some problems with all of this. However, she has friends and people she knows that are homosexual or transgender, and so honestly, I thought that might help. She has a lot of talents, and many of our discussions are on weighty matters, and I respect that about her.

Our younger child is also super smart, compassionate, and sees the best in people. I thought this might help, but at the same time, there is that conservative background, which had always seemed to have more of an impact on how she saw things than her older sister. She is a sweetheart, and she has a way of seeing the feelings behind the statement. She's an amazing storyteller - in an earlier time she easily could have been a bard - and I knew that because her mind can stitch together a tale, she would either quickly grasp the good in this, or find bad in it. She's creative, and I knew either she would be immediately comfortable, or horribly offended.

I agonized about how to say it. I agonized about what to say. I agonized about whether or not to even say anything. Would they notice? I knew they would, and likely already had. Would they care? Would they hate me? Would they embrace me? Would they no longer want to talk to me? I couldn't bear that, because they both are very special to me.

I researched how others have gone about telling their children, and I focused on those who talked about how they told adult children, because our kids are strong young women, and not kids at all. The method that seemed to work best was using a letter, so I decided to use that method.

I spent weeks composing a letter to them. Our family thrives on humor and sarcasm, so I tapped into both of these, and opened my heart, speaking (writing?) honestly about what I was experiencing. Our daughters are roommates in an apartment, so I gave them the letters with the instruction to read them at the same time, each in their own room.

Based on what they told us later, there was of course surprise and a lot of tears. But the part that really blessed me was that later that day, each of them contacted me and told me that they still love me. I can't tell you what a joy that was! They gave me tears of my own.

Gender Dysphoria - Letter 4


Gender Dysphoria

Dad and Mom,

Hello, hello, hello! I wanted to try to tell you a little bit about myself, and explain a few things, in the hope it will lead to greater understanding. So, here is what I hope is a good discussion about gender dysphoria, so you will have some more information. I’m not sure how much you know about the topic. Let’s be honest. Most people don’t have a lot of knowledge on the subject, which I suppose is understandable. There are a lot of misconceptions. Thus, I thought it best to explain. After all, we don’t always know what it is we don’t know!

I realize that knowing I’m transgender is frightening and confusing. It has also been like that for me over many years. I regret the pain this has caused you, and I hope you know I really mean it. I certainly don’t want you to be frightened, or concerned, or confused. I hope when this letter is concluded you will have a good basis of understanding of gender dysphoria and how difficult it can be to be a transgender person, as well as an understanding of why I could no longer ignore it.

Gender dysphoria, in a nutshell, is a condition of discomfort, anxiety, or distress where a person’s body doesn’t match their gender. Each person’s experience is a bit different, and thus not everyone experiences gender dysphoria in the same way, or with the same intensity. Gender dysphoria doesn’t go away, but it can often be treated to a point where a person can be content.

Another way to say it would be to use an example from a children’s book. Red: A Crayon’s Story is about a blue crayon that somehow had been given a label for a red crayon. Everyone could plainly see his red label, but every time he colored anything, it turned out blue, because, despite his red label, Red was a blue crayon. No matter how hard Red tried to be red, he was blue. Red experienced distress from this. I have also experienced distress, just like Red. Not from being a blue crayon, but from looking in the mirror and seeing something totally different, alien even. It’s no different than had I looked in the mirror and seen a purple lizard or Big Bird.

Gender dysphoria can result in some odd reactions and experiences. One example which comes to mind was occasions when I was in a locker room changing and had no top on at the moment a guy walked in. I would, without conscious thought, cross my arms over my chest. This is an action which as you might imagine got me laughed at in the Army. It was one of the first things Gail noticed as being unusual. Even as a teen playing soccer, I always tried to get on Susan’s team (she was the only girl in youth soccer at the time, or so we thought) because her team never had to play as the skins team (the team without shirts on). This doesn’t mean I never had my shirt off outside. I often didn’t have a choice. But it always made me cringe inside.

Gender dysphoria isn’t something made up. It’s very, very real. I have absolutely nothing to gain by lying about it, and potentially everything to lose by telling the truth. But Dad, you taught me a person’s word was important, and honesty was important no matter what. I am firmly committed to being honest. This trait has at times gotten me in trouble in the military, but it’s part of who I am.

Research has shown that Gender Dysphoria can take one of a few different paths. One of these is a realization later in life that the things you’ve been experiencing since you were a child which seemed out of place felt out of place for a reason. With introspection, this is followed by a realization of what the reason is. About 40% of transgender people follow this path. So, if it is any comfort, it’s not at all unusual for transgender people to come out later in life.  Recent research shows there are about 400,000 transgender adults in the State of Ohio, half of them over 40. There are even about 7,000 transgender people over 65 in Ohio!

I want to explain gender dysphoria in a way that makes sense but I am having a difficult time finding the words. I have a massively hard time explaining my feelings and experiences. The language to adequately convey it simply isn’t there. There’s no common frame of reference and trying to explain it is roughly like trying to find the words to explain, in German, how to get to a destination to someone who speaks Spanish. It’s like wearing left shoes on right feet, and right shoes on left feet. The idea seems alien to people because they don’t experience life this way, and the shoes simply don’t fit properly when most people wear them this way. The same is true for transgender people. We don’t experience most of life the same way cis-gender people (people who aren’t transgender) do. Going through life as a person who never experienced what I have seems so alien to me. I have friends who try to understand but when I talk to them it often seems that there is no way for them to truly understand without having had the same experiences.

The best I can think of to try to give you a glimpse is this. I’m going to propose a situation. Really, two interrelated situations. These situations aren’t real, but they are accurate. The people mentioned in the situations represent real people, and their reactions are realistic, too. These situations are blunt, and you might find yourself thinking something like “But this is dumb. This isn’t who I am at all!”. I realize this isn’t who you are. Please bear with me, and put yourself into the narrative, and actually imagine this. Please.


You’re a woman named Judy. You have been your whole life. But everyone you’ve ever met is firmly convinced you’re a guy named Jude. No matter what you do. No matter what you say, everyone calls you Jude and refers to you as “he” and “him” and “sir”. But you know it’s not true. You KNOW it! You know full well you’ve always been a woman. Yet, you have a beard. What in the world!?!? 

Your voice is weirdly low, to the point that when you sing or speak, it’s pitched at a baritone level, which you can’t stand because your voice should be much higher. You’re taller than the women around you. You have some male pattern baldness, which is noticeable to those around you. Your chest and arms are much more muscular than the girls around you. Worst of all, you have male genitals!! You look in the mirror, and you just want to cry, because the person you see is NOT YOU! 

Every time you and a woman arrive at a door together, you get glared at if you don’t hold the door for her. People at church keep asking you to come to the church workday, and mow the lawn or clean out the landscaping, and you can’t stand either of those activities. Even more oddly, people keep trying to talk with you about cars and engines, and you have no knowledge of the topic. Looking back, you start to realize it’s always been this way, and the things you see about your life experiences don’t remotely match up with who you really are, and they never did. You know inside exactly who you are, and you’ve been that person your whole life, but nothing matches up with this.

Your closet is full of men’s clothing. Every morning when you get dressed, the clothing available to you makes you feel like a stranger in a distant land. One thing which really bothers you is that you must shave your face daily. People you know are always inviting you to go hunting or fishing, and you have no interest in these things. You want to talk about the things you find interesting, like quilting or flowers. Whenever you try to talk about your reality and what you experience, people mock you. But you’re not a guy at all. 

The dissonance mounts until it has become a loud noise you can no longer ignore. You must tell someone, so you do. Then you tell someone else. Unfortunately, people start to talk a bit about you. You’re not asked to stop coming to quilting, but they react oddly, or even rudely when you do attend. Your friend Sally tells you “Oh my, what are you thinking?” She won’t talk to you anymore until, as she says, you get your head on straight. But the worst part? When you tell Dad you’re actually a woman, he looks at you like you’re nuts, because clearly, you’re a man. Nothing is right. Nothing.


You’re a man named Gene. You’ve always been a man, but everyone around you thinks you’re a woman named Jean, and even your pastor tells you you’re a fool for thinking otherwise. You’re called “she” and “her” and “ma’am”, and no one wants to listen to your opinions because, well, you’re a girl, right? Even Mom thinks you’re a woman. But you know it’s not true. You KNOW it! But you have breasts, and the male genitals you know you’re supposed to have just plain aren’t there. 

Every time you speak, people don’t even blink, but you are horrified, because your voice is high and girly, which isn’t even close to right, as your voice should be much lower. Men hold the door for you all the time, and motion for you to go first. Your physical strength is much lower than it should be, and you’ve no idea why. You should be stronger. You look in the mirror, and you just want to throw things, because the woman you see is NOT the man you are! 

Looking back, you start to realize it’s always been this way, and the things you see about your life experiences don’t remotely match up with who you really are, and they never did. You know inside exactly who you are, and you’ve been this person your whole life, but nothing matches up. 

The difference between who you are, and who your physical appearance says you are, is massive. More and more, this difference can’t be ignored. Finally, you have to tell someone, and eventually, a few more people, because you can’t take it anymore. But these people assure you with full conviction that you are in fact Jean.

You’ve been a man your whole life, and you know it without a doubt, but you find your school photo and you’ve got long hair and are wearing a dress in it. You ask for a new saw blade for Christmas, but no one gets it for you because, well, why in the world would you, a woman, need a new saw blade? You try to explain what you’re experiencing to Mom, but she won’t even begin to consider the idea, because you’re clearly a woman. 

You’re not permitted to attend the men’s gatherings at church. Women keep inviting you to go shopping, or to sew with them. These are things you’re not remotely interested in doing. Your closet is full of skirts and dresses, and women’s shoes. You’re expected to wear them. Yet, you don’t feel remotely like yourself in them, and you have no desire to wear them. So, you “dress down” a little bit. Yet, you sometimes run afoul of dress codes that require a more feminine look for “women” like “Jean”. If you’re younger at the time, you are fired because your boss is a Christian, and believes since you’re a woman who claims she is a man, having you as an employee is sinful for him. Uncle Sean, your brother, would rather pretend you don’t exist. Nothing is right. Nothing at all.

Both of you

Your birth certificates and driver’s licenses have these same names. Jude and Jean. Dad, your birth certificate says you’re a female, and Mom, yours says you’re male. The State of Ohio refuses to update them to reflect the information you know to be correct. You understand the identity everyone else sees is wrong, and the more people call you Jude and Jean the more it presses down on you like a massive weight. 

Eventually, you must try to change things, because you can’t go through life being battered like you have been. You start trying to dress in clothing that more accurately seems to be you. You change your hair a bit, and Dad, you cut a lot of hair off, because it was long. You notice friends start to spend less time with you, once you start talking more about you being Gene and Judy. 

Mom, people ask you why in the world you’re trying to wear a women’s top, for goodness sake. Dad, people see you in Kroger wearing a man’s flannel shirt and hat, and security starts following you around the store because since you’re dressed like a guy instead of a girl, you’re clearly up to something. You’re probably a shoplifter.

When you buy stuff at the store, the cashier might be just fine, or they might treat you like you’re a pariah or a freak. You have no way to know in advance. When you go to the bank to deposit a check or do anything else requiring an ID, the teller at the bank loudly demands to know why your ID says one thing, but you look like another thing, emphasizing the word “thing” very loudly.

Dad, people from church are now avoiding asking you to do anything in the church building, or for anyone. Mom, the Pastor, asked by the Elders, asks you to stop sending cards in the name of the church altogether, though you've been doing it with their permission for over a decade. They don’t say it to you, they've made up a transparent reason, but the real reason is they feel they can’t have someone “like you” doing things in the name of the church. 

A few people who know you tell you it might be best just to stop saying the things you’ve been saying and embrace who God made you to be.  They tell you that who you know yourself to be in your soul is sick and twisted, and a perversion. God would not make or want, someone like you, they bluntly say. Mind you, these people saying these things are people you’ve gone to church with for years. But now, when you go to church, people won’t make eye contact or speak with you.

Your mail carrier intentionally puts your mail in other people’s boxes. Mom, the quilters now tell you you’re not welcome anymore. The guy down the street who used to wave and say hi won’t look at either of you because he thinks you’re seriously nuts. If you have an auto accident or get pulled over by a cop, you get pulled out of the car because your ID, voice, name, and appearance don’t match up. You go to buy shoes, and the sales clerk at the store who moments before offered to help now laughs at you when they see what shoes you want to get.

The church pastor holds a question and answer session (announced from the pulpit, right in front of you) with the congregation to talk about how they’re going to handle the “issue” (when you’re not there, they call it the threat) the church is experiencing from the things going on in your life. You are told that they are actively praying against you because they love you. You walk past groups of people in the church hallways, and conversation stills until you have passed by. 

After a series of Board meetings to discuss “the issue”, you’re both asked to stop attending the church because of your “sinful” lifestyle of insisting you’re not Jean and Jude, not to mention sometimes wearing the wrong clothing. You are clearly sexually immoral, they feel, and they’re obligated to expel you from their congregation. If you repent, they say, and acknowledge you’re really Jude and Jean, they’d be open to talking to you about maybe coming back. Otherwise…

Every time you try to use a public restroom, you have a moment of panic because, in one restroom, you might well be verbally accosted (you’ve had it happen), and in the other, you might well be physically assaulted (you’ve had it happen). Someone might even follow you into a restroom with a video camera, angrily confronting you and posting the video live online to talk about how horrible you are for even going in there. At Cracker Barrel or the Salvation Army Store, an employee stops one of you and accuses you of going into the wrong restroom. They threaten to call the police unless you leave and don’t come back. It’s about time decent people stand up and stop people like you, she declares.

Your kids react with anger toward you and begin going out of their way to remind you what they think about how wrong you are. Even though you know 100% for certain you’ve always been Gene and Judy, to absolutely everyone else who knows you you’re Jude and Jean, and they insist they’ve always thought of you this way. They bluntly refuse to listen to you when you try to tell someone, anyone, about what is happening. Even though you’ve told them honestly about what you’re going through, they send you birthday and anniversary cards addressed to Jude and Jean. 

Mike, whom you've known for 45 years, stops by the house, and when you come to the door, he shakes his head, tells you you’re a sinner and an abomination. You need to find Jesus, he declares, and he won't speak to you again until you do. Should you pass away before them, you’re told by family members, they will make sure your tombstones say Jude and Jean. People also tell you that if you do anything to help your situation, other than repent and live as Jude and Jean, you’re dead to them. Lots of people feel this way, but many don’t say it. They just show it with their actions. Mind you, most of these people treating you so badly call themselves Christians.

You know what is true. You do. You know, but you can’t prove it. You have no objective evidence. How in the world are you supposed to prove it?!? You have no concrete proof to point to, to demonstrate to anyone that what you know to be true, really is true. The only thing you have is your own innate knowledge of yourself, and who you are. You know who you are. You know what you experience. You know, but it doesn’t matter. No one listens to you. No one. It’s been this way for you for years now. Years. Decades. It’s gotten to the point where you know it’s going to continue for the rest of your life. Every day. Forever. There’s literally nothing you can do to change it. Can you imagine?

Here’s the thing. It’s not science fiction. It’s not a notional, made-up situation. It’s reality. Imagine living this way. Imagine having no choice but to live this way. For life. It happens all the time to people like me. In one form or another, almost every one of the things in the “Jean and Jude” scenario has happened to me. Many people would like me, and people like me, to disappear. But that just isn’t possible. I started being honest with people about me because I had o choice. I couldn’t hide any longer.

This is why so many transgender people commit suicide. The dissonance and condemnation builds and builds, over a period of years, and the total lack of understanding among the people who supposedly love them is literally horrible. I don’t say all this to try to get your sympathy, but to make the point that I very much know what I’m talking about.

Gender dysphoria is debilitating. Yet, people with gender dysphoria can receive medical treatment to help them. Yet, most Christian leaders tell their congregations that doing things to treat gender dysphoria is a sin. Some of them even teach against simply having a meal with a transgender person or hugging a transgender person or being friends with a transgender person, saying it is sinful to do. They sound amazingly holy when they say these things, but they couldn’t be more wrong. The thing is, gender dysphoria is very real. It’s a physical thing, not a spiritual thing. 

Many Christians say it is sinful to give a transgender person treatment for their gender dysphoria, because “that’s not how God made them” or “God made them as a man!”. As in, “He’s a sinner for trying to change his body to a woman. He needs to repent and be a man because God made him a man”. Yet Christians are fine with correcting a little girl’s cleft palate, or the damaged heart valve of a newborn infant, or the webbed fingers of a three-year-old boy, or a birth defect eye issue like Sharon’s Duane’s Syndrome, despite this being how God made those children.

Honestly, half of the women in churches in America have altered their hair color. That’s not to mention the number of women who do hair removal. No one condemns these women to hell for these things, despite God having made them hairy or brunette, or both. Christians are fine with a guy being circumcised, which is not biblically needed (in fact, scripturally, it is a very bad idea to do it), and certainly is not how he is born. But nobody tries to throw him out of church for “rebelling against God’s creation”. They certainly don’t insist he reattach his foreskin! People have moles removed, cataracts removed, get hearing aids, and get vasectomies. All these things make them different than how God created them to be, and Christians don’t cut these people out of their lives or refuse to talk to them.

People wear braces on their teeth, and no one says “That's wrong. God made them with crooked teeth! How dare you change it? Sinner!” People get knee replacements or hip joint replacements, and no one pickets against their right to vote, or receive medical care, or marry. People are born with all sorts of issues, or suffer medical situations later in life, and churches gather together and hold hands and pray desperately for God to change the situation by healing the physical defect or problem that person was born with, or genetically set up for. 

Notice how many people in churches wear glasses, including both of you. No one says “They should just understand. Not being able to see things clearly is how God made them. Getting glasses is rebelling against God’s plan!!!” After all, in the old testament, anyone with an eye defect of any kind would never have been permitted to enter the temple. 

Diabetics like myself and both of you take metformin, and often use insulin to mitigate the effects of high blood sugar, yet they aren’t diabetic because they asked to be, or decided to be. We have a friend, Kara, who recently nearly died as a result of Chron’s Disease. Christians all over the country were praying for that dear woman, and no one was saying “Well, God created her to have Chron’s Disease. It’s wrong to try to treat it.” No one yelled “Sinner!!!” at her husband Dave, for making sure she got medical care. No one protested outside the hospital. No church groups have mounted letter-writing campaigns to insurance companies to try to get them to deny coverage for Kara. No church groups have tried to enact religiously based laws to outlaw the treatment of autoimmune conditions such as Chron’s.

Dad, you have one leg somewhat shorter than the other. This is not at all an uncommon thing, and it is how God made you. For much of your life, you have had your shorter leg corrected by means of a lift in your shoe.  Why? Because you’d have had a lot of back pain throughout life without a lift. You’d be miserable at times. You had to treat the issue. You were born as you, and I was born as me. I didn’t morph into something different. 

Thinking back, what would you have said to anyone who told you you’re a sinner, for rebelling against God’s plan for your life by wearing a lift, and you needed to repent and stop wearing the lift, or be cut out of their life? After all, God clearly intended for you to have rampant back pain for life, right? Christian friends told you all the time how blessed you were to have “a thorn in the side just like Paul”, right? Of course not.

Many Christians say transgender people seeking medical care should be denied care despite overwhelmingly massive numbers of statements from medical doctors and psychologists that what transgender people are saying is real. They point to their religious beliefs as a reason to justify forcing other people to not get medical care. These Christians who insist treatment should be denied gladly advocate doing to us what, really, is torture. Yet those same Christians don’t think for a moment there’s anything odd about treating blood issues, broken legs, or cancer, or about giving shots. In fact, people who believe shots should not be given are considered by many to be bad parents. So, it’s only “It’s how God made them, to change it is a sin!” if it involves people like me.  Anything else, it’s absolutely fine to treat or change. The word to describe this mindset is “hypocritical”.

Living as a man when everything inside you is screaming "this is not correct!" is a debilitating way to live. It’s beyond stressful. It’s emotionally distressing. It’s constant upheaval. It can at times be terrifying. It’s always being afraid you’ll do something, or say something, to give yourself away. You’re always afraid you’ll screw up and someone will notice something. 

It’s wondering every day if today is the day it all comes crashing down around you. It’s looking at the people around you, and thinking “How would they react if they knew? It’s one day arriving at a point where you begin to wonder the same thing but in a different way. How will they react when they find out? Not would. Will. Not if. When. How WILL they react WHEN they find out? Because you know it’s only a matter of time before someone finds out or figures it out, and then you could lose absolutely everything. 

I could have kept going this way for longer, but it was awful. I decided to do something about it. I decided to quit hiding and be myself. I don’t have to live with the incongruity, the dissonance, prevalent in every aspect of every moment of my life. I have cried out to God so many times asking why I was made this way. I have spent many nights over the years asking God to take this off of me. And the only answer that God has given me, over and over, is that he loves me as me.

I’m still your child. I am still me. I know you feel like you’re losing your son. I know there is some grief there, and I would say this is a natural reaction. You can’t help your feelings. But you haven’t lost me. I promise. I’m still your child. The same heart that started beating in the 1960s is still beating as I write this letter. Now, I’ll admit I am probably not living the life you dreamed of for me when you were young parents. But you still have the person who has been your child all this time. 

Do you remember when you told God you just wanted me to be healthy and didn't care about anything else? When I was a child you said you loved me forever. If you close your eyes and just listen to me, I am still the person that I have always been except now I feel that I am a better person. In the past, I closed off major parts of my life and got close to almost no one. I have had few close friends because the closer people get, the more likely it would be that they would find out about the real me. I knew I could never deal with the rejection that would have resulted.

I am the same person. I’m just finally comfortable being me. I haven’t changed nearly as much as it might seem. So much of what you think about me as a person is tied to maleness, and this is understandable because the world focuses on that. But if you take gender out of it, I’m exactly who I have always been. The present is the same; just the wrapping paper is different. But now it is a wonderful, vibrant wrapping paper!

I still like the same things. I’m still overwhelmingly in love with (my wife). I’ve always been a hopeless romantic, and I still am. I’m still a Christian. He is my King. This is not going to change. Don’t let the obvious physical changes distract you from who I am as a person. Instead, get to know the parts of me you don’t know. You didn’t feel you’d lost Doug when his name changed. He didn’t go away. It’s the same thing with me. I’m still me. I’m not a stranger. Having said that, I’m sorry for the pain the feeling of loss you have experienced has caused you. In order to have peace, you’ll have to acknowledge your feelings and accept them, and then resolve to love me anyway, as me, despite those feelings. That’s how peace comes.

It’s interesting how much we talk in our churches about the love of Jesus. Yet, scripture never records Him saying “I love you” to anyone. Rather, He showed them, and us, His love with His actions. He didn’t love them because they were perfect (they weren’t). He simply loved them for who they were. He also said the second greatest commandment is to love those around us as ourselves.

Meantime, there were the Scribes and Pharisees, the religiously arrogant, who existed to condemn those around them who weren’t like them. Does this sound familiar? These are the sorts of people in the scenario I described above who judged you as being a perversion, a freak of nature, and turned their backs on you. These Pharisees and Scribes were the only people in the Bible Jesus spoke against. They thought people were born blind because of sin. 

We know differently now. They thought spitting in the mud on the Sabbath meant you deserved death when, in reality, it is the thoughts in the heart that bring eternal death. They made false accusations against Jesus, lying in order to show their zeal for God. Does this sound familiar? They thought of themselves as righteous, while in reality, their righteousness was as filthy rags. 

They thought Jesus was full of evil because He wasn’t the Messiah they wanted Him to be. Instead, He is the Messiah we so desperately need. They thought helping someone in need made someone a sinner, while at the same time, they believed their legalistic attitude and rules made them better followers of God than anyone. Yet Jesus taught them helping someone in need was a high calling, and angered them over and over by breaking their rules, because all He saw was the real people right in front of Him who had needs, and because He knew the rules of the religious elites stood against who He was and is. That’s radical faith and love! But there are just as many thoughtless ideas and theories about people like me; theories from modern-day Pharisees and Scribes who have no idea what they’re talking about.

Todd Agnew, a fairly well-known Christian singer, has a song containing the following words:

My Jesus would never be accepted in my church

The blood and dirt on His feet might stain the carpet

But He reaches for the hurting and despises the proud

Did you ever wonder how many churches would recognize Jesus if He walked into their church this next Sunday? Or would they be more concerned with whether He’d get the carpet dirty? Hebrews 13:2 says some of us have entertained angels without realizing it, so one never knows. But the thing is, Jesus wasn’t the sort of person who hung around with the religious elite. He surrounded Himself with the people the religious elite held in disdain. He came as the Savior for everyone, especially for those who were, and are, considered to be “less than”. Thank God!!

I need to be who I am. But it’s more than this. I’ve reached a point where I don’t just need to be me. I want to be me. I like who I am! I like what I’m starting to look like. Though I’d like to take off some weight. I finally can look in a mirror and not feel like crying. I look in the mirror and smile because I’m finally starting to look like me. My self-esteem is through the roof! The Pharisees of 2019 can condemn me if they choose. They judge me based on my appearance and based on their perceptions. Scripture says man looks on the outward appearance, but God sees the heart. My eyes and heart are fixed on Jesus, no other hope have I.  I KNOW in Whom I have believed and am persuaded that He is able to keep my soul, which I have committed unto Him.

I just want to live my life. I’m not a threat to anyone. The modern-day Pharisees claiming I’m evil doesn’t make me evil. In fact, just like in Jesus’ time, their words are the best possible testimony that I’m a child of God!

It is my hope that the example and comparisons I proposed are helpful and provide at least some frame of reference. I hope that the thought exercise I proposed brought some clarity to what can be confusing.

I love you. Be well!


Saturday, August 28, 2021

There is a War

There is a war. It’s brutal, horrible, destructive, and uncompromising. The trail of broken people, their wounds deep and terrible, litters the landscape. The cries of the wounded tear at the soul as only true anguish can. There are rarely uniforms, and the equipment is different than ever before, almost to the point of being unrecognizable. but the destruction is appalling. One cannot easily defend against weapons that don’t look like weapons. I’m not referring to ISIS, or Afghanistan, or Somalia.

I’m talking about the Church.

Many Christians in America would tell you that the church is under attack. They couldn’t be more correct in their assessment. They’re not alarmists, nor conspiracists, and they are spot on. The church is very much under attack. They can’t identify the enemy, because the enemy doesn't look like anything they've been taught to fear. It’s guerrilla warfare at an unprecedented level.

The enemy is brazen, well equipped, unyielding, operating from a strong power base with nearly unshakable supply routes, and cold-bloodedly efficient in their tactics, techniques, and procedures. Their methods work - and they work well – by combining heartless viciousness with a simultaneous application of the principle of winning the hearts and minds of the populace. Yet they pass undetected through the populace, blending like the most talented of chameleons. Their greatest combat multiplier (the asset which makes them most effective) is their ability to obfuscate the nature of their threat and presence. If you’re a Dr. Who fan, these enemy combatants are like the Silence, except instead of remaining invisible, or being forgotten in a moment, they are the most visible of all, yet no one sees them for who they are. The enemy attacking the Church is…well, you'll likely not believe me.

The enemy of the Church is the Church. It scratches at the soft underbelly of itself like an excoriating dog. Its attackers aren’t the typical villains described in mainstream Christian media. Instead, the attackers elude detection by positioning themselves as followers of Christ; the most devout, the most Biblically-based; the best of the Church. They aren't even being led by the evil one, because they don't need to be. They're leading themselves into unholy war.  They are so successful because – believe it or not – they have no idea that they are the attackers. They aim weapons against each other and fire in the name of Jesus with a vigor rarely seen, even in this modern era of people gladly trashing other people. Why? Because they firmly believe that they are actually the defenders!

Imagine how easily a fort would fall if the defenders of the fort fired at each other, firmly believing themselves to thus be defenders, rather than attackers! They'd have been decimated! Many citizens of the Church know beyond a doubt, in the very core of their being, that what they’re doing is right. This firm belief in the rightness of their cause whips the flames of an already burning fire, and they attack (I mean defend?) with zeal, rejoicing all the way. The desolation left in their wake tames any scene Mathew Brady photographed on the battlefield.  

The attackers could be anyone. The Sunday school teacher in her demure but pretty dress, the older man in the 5th pew from the front in the stiffly starched high-collared shirt, the Chairman of the Church Board of Elders, the ushers, the elderly woman with the blue-ish hair who wants the church to stop singing “that devil music”, that old guy in the third row whose family started that church 50 years ago, or even the Pastor himself. They get so busy shooting at each other, in their vigorous defense of the Church, that they don’t notice for a moment who they’re defending against. It’s themselves.

Declining church attendance is a ubiquitous conversation topic in conservative, evangelical churches. It should be a common topic because it’s a common emergency. But the problem is totally misunderstood. It’s not that church attendance is declining. It’s that the Church is taking massive numbers of casualties. People aren't simply not coming anymore. They're falling to the ground with massive wounds. 

There's a massive amount of "do as I say, not as I do" in churches.  There are even more instances of people trying to say that other people's sin somehow makes that person less holy than they themselves are. Hypocritical behavior. Lack of empathy. Protecting personal power. Stomping down other groups. Lack of love. Churches and many churchgoers are spending so much time trying to hurt each other in the name of Jesus (really it's in their own name) that they've become pretty useless to society in general. Might hurt to read that, if you're a conservative Christian, but it is true, nonetheless. Why do you think so many people simply have no desire to go? When people are made to feel like they aren't welcome, aren't good enough, are considered undesirable, unwelcome, tainted, why would they ever go back? There are so many wounded people. So many.

These last few years, I have seen a side of Christianity I’d never encountered before. I never imagined. I grew up in the church, you see. I’d been a Conservative Christian for my entire life. I knew what was right, and what was wrong, and I knew where I was going in the end, and I knew who won in the end, and that was all that mattered. Literally, nothing else mattered. It’s a pretty good place to be. There is happiness in being in the right. There seriously is. But it’s a smokescreen, on a level far higher than any illusion David Copperfield will ever do. He’s made a building and a jumbo jet “disappear”.  Conservative Christianity? Goodness, Conservative Christianity has made millions of people disappear from among them, and have soundly congratulated themselves for it! One day, that smokescreen might just blow away, and then...then comes the light of truth!

If there is no condemnation in Christ, why are so many churches so busy condemning everyone who isn't exactly like them? If the second greatest commandment is to love our neighbor as ourselves, why are so many churches working so hard to do anything but? The war, remember? The war is all that matters to them. They will gladly cast aside anyone who doesn't think exactly like them. They literally celebrate the wounds they give people. It's a victory, you see. Isn't that sad?

Happiness based on following the rules isn't salvation. It isn't grace. It isn't Jesus. If following rules was the key, there'd be no need for Jesus.

I want to be different. I want to be part of the church that loves, gives, and lives. I want to be part of the church that follows Jesus, not church rules. I want to be part of a church that lives the values of love, and mercy, and compassion, and shuns legalism, and hate, and hypocrisy, and thinking they are somehow better than other people. I want to be a disciple, not a pharisee. Will you join me?

Thursday, July 29, 2021

Dairy Queen


One evening, my wife and I craved ice cream. There was a Dairy Queen near our home, and we decided I would go get some ice cream.

This was fairly early in my transition. We had begun to really explore with feminine clothing, around the home, and I was wearing a women's v-neck t-shirt, and a pair of relatively short white shorts. My legs were shaved, and my toenails were painted. But, I had never been out of the house even remotely presenting female. Accordingly, I started to go change, and my wife stopped me, and told me it was okay for me to go dressed as I was. I asked if she was sure, and she said yes. So, I pulled on some ankle socks and slipped on some black canvas shoes. Off I went.

Honestly, I was extremely nervous. What would people think? How would they react? At Dairy Queen, I parked and got out of the SUV. A guy standing outside watched me walk to the door, and I wondered what he thought. Inside, the teen boy at the counter took my order. A girl behind the counter engaged me in conversation while the guy made the blizzards. Normal, everyday conversation. Soon, ice cream in hand, I was heading out the door. In the glass door, I saw from their reflections that they were watching me. As I stepped out, I heard the guy say to the girl “That is one serious (insert derogatory term for a gay male)”.

The trip home took only about a minute and a half. So, there really wasn't time to think about what was said. 

When at home, I related this to my wife, she asked me how I felt about that. Honestly? I was proud of myself for finding the courage to go out dressed as I was since physically I still looked pretty much male. I was very proud of my wife for being comfortable enough to be okay with it.

Sunday, May 23, 2021

Coming Out At Work - The First Steps


When the time came to come out at work, I planned very carefully. I had a job that paid well, and I was good at, and I didn't want to lose it. But coming out at work had to be done. My transition had progressed to the point that people knew something was going on. So I put a lot of thought into it. 

The first person I told was our HR person. I was really nervous, to be honest. You never really know how someone is going to react, and so I knew that it might not go well. Sure, you might have an idea of how they will react. But you never know until you know. Thankfully, she was fully supportive.

She and I planned how to tell my immediate supervisor. We had the company policy on discrimination on our side. Mind you, I actually am the one who wrote the policy a few years back, and the company owner had signed off on it. We decided a non-blunt, honest approach would be best because that seemed to best match his personality. We sat him down one day and told him openly and honestly, and I let him know that it was more than okay for him to ask questions. He did, and I responded openly. He turned out to be fully supportive as well.

He asked a few more questions over the next several days, and I did my best to answer them. Thankfully, he was respectful, and asked good questions, including a few that challenged me. One that challenged me was what did I foresee being the biggest issues facing me at work. 

I considered that question for a few days, and responded that my biggest concerns were the reaction of the company owner, the chance that some of my employees wouldn't want to work for me, and the possibility of a violent reaction or other confrontation with a customer. So, we talked through those scenarios to try to find the best ways to mitigate those issues.

We gave him a few weeks to digest, and then he, the HR person, and I began planning to tell the Company owner, who is a conservative Christian. We thought it best to talk with him before telling my employees. 

I was encouraged by the success of my initial coming out at work. I admit it felt great!

Saturday, May 15, 2021

What Could Happen


When someone comes out as transgender, there are some negative things that could happen. Some, or all of them could raise their ugly head in your life if and when you come out.

You Could Lose Your Job

In many places, it is legal to fire someone based solely on the fact that they are transgender. I believe personally that this being legal is a load of crap, and should be changed tomorrow. When you come out, you might lose your job. It could come either from being fired outright by some conservative religious zealot, or through your life at work being made into a hell you eventually can't stomach. Either of those routes results in the same thing. Shoot, my boss when I came out told me that he was afraid he was going to go to hell for employing me. 

But maybe you shouldn't be working there anyway?

You Could Lose Your Friends

It is possible that when you come out, you could experience your friends turning their backs on you. Some of them, perhaps. Perhaps, all of them. I said that before I came out, I was going to take screen shots of my Facebook friends list, just to see how it changed over the next few months.

Some friends might be very happy for you. they might be wildly supportive, and I'm here to tell you that supportive friends is a wonderful thing! But if you're like me, and you have friends with military or conservative religious backgrounds, some of them will walk away.

Goodness did my friend's list change. I'm so glad it did. 

You Could Lose Your Family Members

Your parents, siblings, kids, aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews might well still love you, or even love you more. Some of them might not. Next Thanksgiving, the table might have a missing face. There might be a few less Christmas cards. Many of them might put the differences, if there are any, aside and maintain a relationship. Some might not.

But you might just learn that family isn't who you're related to. It's who loves you. 

You Just Don't Know

Honestly, you just don't know. You certainly can easily make predictions, and you might make some very accurate predictions. Some people I was convinced would not accept me at all have been pretty reasonable.

You might lose your job. You might not. You might find a better job. You might lose some friends. You might not. You might find new friends. You might lose some family members. You might not.

The end result is the same. You finally get to be you. Believe me, there is peace in that!

Do what you can do to maintain relationships. I have put my marriage as a massive priority in my life. My wife has worked hard at helping me be me, and I have worked equally hard to help her grow as well.

What could happen could be bad. It could be amazingly good. If it's good, rejoice! If some of the bad appears, then continue on with life, and the good will return in some way. Not instantly, but anything that is good is worth working toward.

Monday, May 10, 2021

Smacked on the Butt

Smacked on the Butt


I was walking through the local Lowes. I was in the hardware aisle. It was during work hours, and I had on the company uniform of khaki pants and a slate gray polo. The pants fit well in the butt. Not loose, not crazy tight. 

Anyway, I was cruising down the hardware aisle. There were several men in the aisle, and a few of them were watching me. As I passed a guy who was about 40, he suddenly smacked me on the butt. Not hard. Sort of a "cupping the cheek" smack.

I wasn't sure how to react. I'd never had something like that happen before, and for sure hadn't been expecting it. I froze, and felt myself turning red. 

Finally, I just continued down the aisle until I got to what I was looking for. I made my selection and left the aisle out the other end. 

After I left the store, I texted a friend and told her what had happened. Her response made me smile, but also was disquieting. 

"Welcome to the everyday experience of women everywhere".

The worst thing is, she's right. 

Saturday, April 3, 2021

Trimming the Forest


I have a hereditary unibrow. Not a subtle unibrow. Oh no. Left to do its own thing, I’m confident that the family unibrow can be seen from other states. It's probably been photographed from space. I have always hated my gigantic eyebrow(s), but what I hate the most is the weird peak about 2/3 of the way along the brows, which helpfully provides a Vulcan look to my brows. I assume that’s because I didn’t have enough ridicule in school as it was.

I used to spend time lopping off portions of my eyebrows with a small pair of scissors. A few times a week, I went weed-whacking, as I called it to myself. But one day, my awesome wife suggested we go get my eyebrows waxed.

I admit to being nervous. But the woman setting up to do it was pretty nice. She even mentioned that she did this for a lot of guys. That day, I somehow had the guts to tell her I was wanting to go much thinner in the brows than men do. She asked how thin, and I told her to think feminine. She said "can do" and the next thing I knew, I was laying back, the wax on my skin, and off it was pulled. Ouch!

But it was not as bad as I expected. Soon, she was done, and after a bit of tweezing, I was looking in the mirror. Holy cow! I never dreamed my brows could look that good!

My wife, seeing the result, said she really likes how it looked, and that we needed to keep doing it. 

Sunday, January 17, 2021

12 (and a half) Things We Didn't Know Before Transitioning


Transitioning wasn't something my wife and I approached lightly. We knew it might not be easy. We knew there would be issues, problems, concerns, and some difficult situations and interactions. We did our research to make sure we were informed and worked hard at knowing what was coming. Honestly, we did pretty well at learning, overall. But because no process is perfect, there were things we didn't anticipate. We thought it might be helpful to discuss these publicly so that others going through the same process could perhaps be better positioned.

1. Be prepared to advocate for yourself. Some agencies' paperwork is designed to make things easy, and at other agencies, you'll get a blank look and a shrug. You have to come armed with knowledge about how it is supposed to be done, what paperwork is needed. who has to do it, and who has to be involved. That's because odds are, the person you are dealing with either doesn't want to do it, or has no idea how to do it, or both. Either way, they might well not be that interested in going the extra mile. Do your homework. 

2. The people you're pretty sure will drop you like a hot potato might shock you by turning out to be among the more accepting people. You never know. Don't just assume someone will not be supportive. Also don't just assume someone will be supportive. 

3. If your therapist transfers to another facility, you might well be screwed into starting some other things over. Make sure you have everything in writing, get copies of everything, and that even if you don't at that time anticipate surgery, you get letters from absolutely everyone. It might be many months before a new therapist is willing to write a surgery letter. 

4. Speaking of letters, if your medical and mental health providers are happy to provide letters, proofread them carefully. Errors in dates, typos, accidental word inclusions can derail a surgery process. Most medical professionals outside of practices that specifically serve transgender people have pretty much never written such a letter. Even if you gave them the text to use in the letter, do yourself a favor, and read the letter. Carefully. Make sure they get it right. Ask them to do it again, correctly, if there is an error. 

5. Make a logical process out of coming out to people. Have a plan. Early on, choose who to come out to wisely. Have an exit plan for getting out of the conversation with each person you talk with. Have a support person in place before you come out to people, someone you can go to when you encounter the time when coming out doesn't go well and you're distraught. It will make all the difference.

6. It isn't just the transgender person's transition. Close family and friends transition too, and so do co-workers, gas station clerks, etc. Thoughts and positions your significant other might have will likely change, and for the better, if they're supportive. Give it some time. They have a lot to deal with too.

7. Who your friends are is going to change. Some will remain, and those friendships will grow stronger. Others will disappear from your life, and that's okay. Expect it to happen, because you are for sure, 100% certain, going to lose some friends. You want the truth? You won't miss them at all. Sure, it'll hurt for a day or two, but once you realize they turned your back on you simply because of who you are, you'll understand that they weren't friends. You'll make some new ones pretty soon, and they'll like you for YOU. My number of actual friends grew. 

8. If you want to be successful in your current job, coming out needs to be a deliberate process. Plan. Get help. Do it carefully and right. There are organizations, such as the Gatlyn Dame Group, that can help. 

9. Insurance doesn't cover the surgery? Are you sure about that? Insurance companies often deny coverage on the first request. Research your policy thoroughly. You might just be surprised. My insurance company denied coverage immediately. But I'd heard that denial is pretty much a standard response, so I did my research, and guess what? The surgery WAS covered, despite them saying it wasn't. Confronted with that information, they relented, and I had surgery. 

10. All hairstyles aren't created equal. Do yourself the favor of not simply going to get a style you think is cute. How many times have you seen someone with a stupid looking hairdo? Figure out, with the help of a hairstylist, what works best for you. There are factors that go into it, and just because you saw a hairstyle on someone else and it looked great, doesn't mean it will work for you. Also, be prepared for your hairstyle(s) to change as your hair gets longer or shorter. 

10.5. Many transgender women have issues with thinning hair. If you're really bald, I don't know what works best for you. But, if your hair is thinning, there are shampoos that are really effective in helping thinning hair thicken up again. Nioxin is one brand. I've had awesome success with it. 

11. Transition your clothing slowly. Don't be garish, and don't rush. Figure out what you like and don't like. Redoing your entire wardrobe is crazily expensive. Listen to me, or you'll waste a lot of money. I know you don't want to, but buy your clothing at thrift stores. Look in the mirror, and also ask other people. You have to figure out what you like on you, what looks good on you, what works on your body. If you rush out and buy what you think is pretty, you'll have a wardrobe full of stuff you look ridiculous in, and you'll keep switching styles at great cost. Once you have a wardrobe that works great, you can start safely adding new clothing articles to what you have. 

12. Anxiety will come. It will show up, and after it leaves, it will show up again. And again. You cannot possibly be ready for it all the time, which means it will at some point hit you when you don't expect it. You need to make sure you have some sort of support system in place that you can access quickly because you WILL need it.

Listen, you can do this. You can. I promise. But be smart, and plan to do it the right way. You'll be glad you did.

Breakfast at Bob Evans

2018 This is part three of the trilogy discussing how a church responded to transgender people. I recommend reading the first two parts, f...