Monday, May 10, 2021

Smacked on the Butt

Smacked on the Butt


I was walking through the local Lowes. I was in the hardware aisle. It was during work hours, and I had on the company uniform of khaki pants and a slate gray polo. The pants fit well in the butt. Not loose, not crazy tight. 

Anyway, I was cruising down the hardware aisle. There were several men in the aisle, and a few of them were watching me. As I passed a guy who was about 40, he suddenly smacked me on the butt. Not hard. Sort of a "cupping the cheek" smack.

I wasn't sure how to react. I'd never had something like that happen before, and for sure hadn't been expecting it. I froze, and felt myself turning red. 

Finally, I just continued down the aisle until I got to what I was looking for. I made my selection and left the aisle out the other end. 

After I left the store, I texted a friend and told her what had happened. Her response made me smile, but also was disquieting. 

"Welcome to the everyday experience of women everywhere".

The worst thing is, she's right. 


  1. First what happened to you was absolutely wrong, and likely criminal as a sexual assault or at least a misdemeanor battery.

    Second, having said, did it kind of turn you on that it happen, and/,or enhance your sense of being a woman?

  2. No, there was nothing about the experience that was a turn on.


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