Monday, June 12, 2023

A Great Church


So many transgender people, and on a broader level, LGBTQIA+ people in general, have a religious background, and not being able to attend church, feel a part of them is missing. It tends to drive us to keep checking out churches, which often leads to more church hurt. 

There are good churches out there. Churches that love people for who they are, churches that believe that everyone has worth, churches that believe that God created LGBTQIA+ people to be exactly who they are. 

I have been blessed to find such a church. It feels good. It feels right. I get to worship every week with people that love God, and love people. This isn't the only church like this. There are more of them every month. If I could find one, so can you. 

Don't give up! You matter! Don't give up hope. Keep seeking. 

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