Tuesday, June 13, 2023

10 Additional Great Things People Have Said to Me Recently


Here are 10 more great things people have said to me recently. Words can hurt people, or lift them up. Always try to speak life!

1. "That top looks really good on you. That's a great color for your skin!"  - coworker

2.  "Your drink is free today, dear. Have an awesome day!" - Female clerk at a gas station.

3. "Damn girl, you got legs!" - random hunky black man in downtown Dayton, Ohio. I was wearing shorts.

4. "I appreciate you" - Pastor from church.

5. "Don't go into the women's room here. Use the one in the lobby. This one really needs cleaned."  - female coworker, exiting the restroom and seeing me approaching in the hall. Acceptance is wonderful. 

6. "Good job." - My boss at work

7. "Ladies first." Male coworker, gesturing for me to pass through first. Again, acceptance is wonderful.

8. "This is the safety lady." - security guard at work, introducing me to a new guard. Again, acceptance.

9. "You're doing a great job. Your voice is really coming along!" - Voice therapist who is helping me raise my natural baritone pitched voice.

10. "That dress looks great on you!" - comment from a woman at church

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