Tuesday, June 13, 2023

10 Additional Great Things People Have Said to Me Recently


Here are 10 more great things people have said to me recently. Words can hurt people, or lift them up. Always try to speak life!

1. "That top looks really good on you. That's a great color for your skin!"  - coworker

2.  "Your drink is free today, dear. Have an awesome day!" - Female clerk at a gas station.

3. "Damn girl, you got legs!" - random hunky black man in downtown Dayton, Ohio. I was wearing shorts.

4. "I appreciate you" - Pastor from church.

5. "Don't go into the women's room here. Use the one in the lobby. This one really needs cleaned."  - female coworker, exiting the restroom and seeing me approaching in the hall. Acceptance is wonderful. 

6. "Good job." - My boss at work

7. "Ladies first." Male coworker, gesturing for me to pass through first. Again, acceptance is wonderful.

8. "This is the safety lady." - security guard at work, introducing me to a new guard. Again, acceptance.

9. "You're doing a great job. Your voice is really coming along!" - Voice therapist who is helping me raise my natural baritone pitched voice.

10. "That dress looks great on you!" - comment from a woman at church

Monday, June 12, 2023

A Great Church


So many transgender people, and on a broader level, LGBTQIA+ people in general, have a religious background, and not being able to attend church, feel a part of them is missing. It tends to drive us to keep checking out churches, which often leads to more church hurt. 

There are good churches out there. Churches that love people for who they are, churches that believe that everyone has worth, churches that believe that God created LGBTQIA+ people to be exactly who they are. 

I have been blessed to find such a church. It feels good. It feels right. I get to worship every week with people that love God, and love people. This isn't the only church like this. There are more of them every month. If I could find one, so can you. 

Don't give up! You matter! Don't give up hope. Keep seeking. 




Allison was an extremely good looking girl, and the sister of a friend in the Army. We were stationed at Fort Campbell, Kentucky, and he was from Nashville, TN. His home was about an hour and a half away. One weekend, we were at his house, and two of his three sisters were there. Everyone was drunk. Not just a little drunk, but quite drunk.

Allison, though only 16, was no exception. She spent the bulk of the evening flirting with several guys, and flirting with me as well. She was barefoot, wearing short shorts and a bikini top, and she was hammered. The crowd decided to go buy some marijuana, and I wasn’t wanting to do that. I have never resorted to drugs, and didn’t want to start.

All of the guys left, and the one sister, leaving me alone and a little drunk, in the house with a very drunk Allison. She fell asleep curled up in my lap as we watched TV, and she woke up kissing me, and slid up to straddle my lap. Breathing fast, she asked me if I wanted to go upstairs or do it right there.

She was beautiful, but she wasn’t a girl I was interested in, plus I knew she was extremely drunk. I asked if we could stop in the kitchen to get some water, and she led the way. While we were there, she started feeling sick, because of the massive amount of alcohol she has consumed.

She ran for the bathroom, and I followed. She cried out “Go away” and then was bent over the toilet. For the first time in my life, I found myself holding a girl’s hair while she vomited into a toilet. Finally, she was done, tears streaming down her face. I got her a wet washcloth, and she cleaned up, then snuggled with me on the couch.

Two more times, we went to the bathroom, with me holding her hair. Otherwise, I just held her, and tried to help her not feel so bad. When everyone else returned, there were lots of comments and innuendo from them, mostly comments about what intimate things we had done while they were gone. All I would tell them was that they wouldn’t believe me if I told them.

A few weeks later, I was at his house again, and his sister gave me a hug and told me she appreciated me for what I did. I could have had sex with her, and she might not have even remembered. It was even expected, even by her brother. But that’s not what I did. I'm glad. 

The Day My Boss Learned Something

 2023 The Day My Boss Learned Something One day, at a work meeting, I was relating a story of something that happened at a previous job. My ...