Friday, January 10, 2020

The Mall Restroom


I'm the brunette, transgender wife.

I was at the mall with my wife. She's the redheaded, cis-gender wife. She and I were having fun, window shopping, looking at clothes and shoes, and enjoying each other's company. That's something we often do to relax. It made for a great date activity.

I was wearing canvas shoes, women's jeans, women's t-shirt, and no-show socks. Feminine, but still pretty under the radar. We both had to use the restroom, and like many places, the restrooms were very public. I present feminine but was still physically male. I knew what room I had to go into. I still looked too masculine to dare to use the women's room.

My wife went into the women's room, and I approached the door to the men's room. I hesitated, then went in. Inside, there was a man in a stall, and another man using a urinal. His penis was of course out of his pants, and I ignored him as best as I could. I went into a stall, closed the door, and sat down.

As I sat there, I heard a few guys come and go. I finished, pulled up my pants, and waited. Things were silent for about a minute, so I flushed, opened the door, and headed quickly to the sink. I turned on the water and started washing my hands.

A guy came out of a stall and moved to the sink next to me. Suddenly, he spoke to me. "Are you a male prostitute"?

I was shocked. "Excuse me?" I stammered.

"Why else would you be in here dressed like that?" he said, and leered at me. He grabbed his crotch.

I grabbed some towels, dried my hands quickly, and rushed out. My wife was waiting outside the restroom, and we walked away. She was surprised when I told her, but I don't think she was too shocked, after all.

I really, really don't like restrooms.

1 comment:

  1. OMGoodness that's horrible!! Was he at least attractive though lol? -Ebed


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