One evening, I needed to make a phone call. We got terrible cell phone reception at home sometimes, and frequently needed to go outside to communicate effectively. Anyway, I dressed and went out to the driveway. Honestly, I didn’t think much about how I dressed, but merely put on what I was comfortable in. That outfit was a moisture wicking t-shirt, a pair of flip-flops, and a denim knee length skirt.
So I was out on the driveway, on the phone. The sun had gone down, and I was standing in the driveway, in the dim light. The sidewalk wasn’t too far away, and as I was listening to the person I was talking with on the phone, a man walked past me on the sidewalk in the dim light as I stood there, the cell phone to my ear, with my hand partially blocking my face. He couldn’t possibly have seen my face clearly.
I saw him looking my way as he passed, and I heard him say to himself “Damn, girl!”. Suddenly, I realized I was smiling. He had liked what he saw in that dim light, and that was an amazing feeling!
Have you ever felt like that? Casual, unplanned moment of feeling good?
Have you ever felt like that? Casual, unplanned moment of feeling good?