Monday, October 29, 2018

He, They, She


As we progressed through the transition, many things have changed, and to us, changed for the better. But along the way, there have been hiccups, speed bumps, and odd moments.

Recently, I noticed something that I thought was pretty funny. My wife, a super strong supporter of me, was all over the place in how she referred to me in conversation. I would say that the funniest thing was when I heard her refer to me as "he", "they", and "she", all in the same sentence.

She is trying really hard, and to be honest, changing from three decades of calling me "he", to calling me "she", is not an easy thing to do at all. She is sincere and means well, and she knows what reality is, but sometimes, habit takes over for a moment. who knows? She might well be messing it up off and on for years to come. You know what? That's okay!


  1. I'm so glad I'm not alone! I keep calling my wife "he" at the most awkward moments, because 20 years of marriage brings hard habits to break. She is my wife in every way, but sometimes, my brain goes "he" for a few minutes, and that's ok. It gets easier.

  2. This one made me laugh. I've done that to my partner April so many times, and it always makes us smile.


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