Tuesday, April 5, 2022




In the barracks in California for training, I had adopted the tactic of showering late at night, by which I mean 2 in the morning, because at that time, everyone was asleep. I also showered on different floors, because it seemed less likely someone I knew would see me if they went to the bathroom.  It worked well and kept me in a position where I was relatively safe showering, as a transgender person in a barracks full of men.

I wasn't super far into transition at this point. I had shaved legs, and painted toes, though the color was very near skin tone, and hard to notice. But still, I tried to play it as safe as possible. 

This night, I was finished showering. I had heard another shower start, and thus knew another person was present. I dried off quickly, and headed out. On the way out, I passed the other person’s shower. I stopped at the sink for a moment to trim my eyebrows. Done, I took of my towel, and quickly dried off my face.

At that moment, the shower behind me opened, and the other person stepped out. I was in the act of turning to leave, and turned toward him as he stepped out. I had never seen him before. He was tall, and goodness, was he built! I noticed in a moment his powerful chest and arms, water glistening on his skin. My eyes dropped down his chest to his flat, muscular stomach, and then oh my god, to his dick, hanging between his strong legs. My gaze just kept traveling, drinking in what I was seeing. I was mesmerized. I have no idea how long I feasted on him with my eyes.

“What the F-!” the harsh voice snapped me out of it, and I realized with a horrible, sinking feeling that not only had I been checking out every beautiful inch of him with my eyes, but I had been caught doing it. He was glaring furiously at me.

He called me a sick f__k, and yelled at me to get out before he kicked my butt, and I cried out and darted out of the room. I wrapped my towel around myself as I hurried out, hearing him cursing me from the room behind me. I remember being thankful as I went down the hallway and the stairs in a mad scramble that I didn't pass anyone.  In my room, alone in the dark, I laid there in my bed and cried.

I was lucky, and I knew it. That experience could have ended very badly.

Thankfully, within a few days I was on my way home.   

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