Thursday, March 19, 2020

Army Locker Room Shower


I was in the men's locker room at a pretty large Army Reserve base. The base was home to a very large number of units, so there were literally thousands of Soldiers drilling. There even were some Sailors. 

Though I had started transitioning, I wasn't on hormones yet. My body was shaved, and my toenails were painted a discreet, barely noticeable color that looked good on my toes. Because I wasn't on hormones yet, my body and face were decidedly male.

We had just finished physical training. That day it was a bit of calisthenics and a brisk run or walk, whichever you felt like. Hey, it was the Army Reserve. They aren't Rambo.

Anyway, I was a little sweaty and needed the shower. I don't at all like men's locker rooms, but I really didn't have a choice, either, because I wasn't out yet. In the military, I was still considered male.

There were a few shower curtains hung as dividers. The bottom of the curtain was about 18 inches off the floor.  It was a mass shower room, with about 10 shower heads. There were men in other shower areas.

I was trying to get showered quickly, so I could get out of there. Believe me, I can be fast at it if I want to. Three men came in to shower, and went to an area right on the other side of the shower curtain next to me. As they showered, I heard one of them say "dude!" in that quiet, excited voice men use when they think they've found something interesting. They were quiet for a moment.

Then I heard one of them whisper to the others "Dude, you think that's a girl?" and I suddenly realized how different my relatively small feet, shaved legs, and discreetly painted toes visible below the curtain must look to them.

Though already moving fast, I increased my pace, hoping they would stay on their side of the curtain. I was almost done when I heard the rapid splash of bare feet on tile, and there they were. Three naked, wet white guys, two of them becoming erect. One of them was stroking himself.

"Hey there girl", one of them began, which changed to "What the hell?!?!?" when I turned to face them and they saw I mostly looked like a guy, genitals and all. I knew I was in a bad spot and didn't engage them. I quickly finished rinsing off. Thankfully they suddenly turned around and went back to their side, talking loudly about the "fag" in the room. I was terrified.

The talk began to drift toward them saying they ought to come back over and "beat the fag's ass". At that point, I decided that even though I wasn't fully done, I was done. I shut off the shower and grabbed my towel, and I was out of there. I didn't even realize at the time that I left my shower poof and soap in the shower room.

Thankfully, they had only just started showering, so it would have taken them a few minutes to finish. Additionally, the locker room areas (there were more than one) attached to the shower room were large and complex. I worked fast. Within about 8 minutes, I was in my Army uniform, and out of the building, which is an amazing feat, if you've never dressed in military uniform.

Then I was outside, in my car. I drove off and parked down the road for a few minutes, still shaking. Finally, I could drive again and headed off. My head was on a swivel the rest of the weekend, looking around myself constantly, in case I ran into them. I'm smart enough to know that the situation could have ended very badly for me.


  1. I felt so badly and terrified for you reading this. I have a military background too and always hated being in the male bathrooms doing mass showers. They smelled and i hated the machismo environment and i felt completely uncomfortable, and found nearly all the men excessively hairy and gross to look at. You were very lucky to get out of that bathroom without being beat up or sexually violated. Did any of those men remember you and harass you later? Hope not but worried I'm wrong. - Ebed

    1. It was frightening, for sure. Thankfully, the base I was at had more than a huge number of Reserve and National Guard units on it. As far as I know, I never crossed paths with them again.


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