Saturday, November 16, 2019

10 Awesome Things People Have Said To Me Recently

I am the brunette, transgender wife.

1. "I love you!" - my amazing wife
2.  "Are you two mother and daughter? You look just alike." - a female gas station clerk addressing my and our youngest child
3.  "You must feel awesome" - youngest child, exiting the above-mentioned gas station with me
4. "After you, ma'am." - a twenty-something guy holding a door for me
5. "I love your hair." - coworker
6. "It's been a lot of fun watching her bloom" - my amazing wife, referring to me
7. "That's a great color on you! You should wear that a lot!" - a young woman at church referring to a teal shirt I wore
8. "Would this be separate checks or together?" - a waitress to my wife and I, tacitly acknowledging we're 2 women
9. "May I help you ladies?" - a coffee shop employee to my wife and me
10. "Oh you shouldn't have told me that!" - a local Wal mart manager, glowing with the anticipation upon hearing that the changing room employees have been a bit difficult, going on to explain how she was going to fix that issue


  1. An old song says "Accentuate the positive. Eliminate the negative." Looks like a good way to do things. Finding the positive things in life that come your way and emphasizing them. Another song says "Count your blessings instead of sheep and your will fall asleep, Counting Your Blessings." Great positive post.

    1. I love that Bing Crosby song. Thank you so much for the positive comment!


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