Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Pronouns Make Me Cry


She Called Me "She"

Last night, for the first time ever, my awesome wife referred to me as "her" and "she" in conversation. It might not be the first time she did it, but it is the first time I heard her do it.

Now, this conversation wasn't something that is going to make headlines. It wasn't with anyone who is likely to repeat the conversation with someone else.  To be honest, the conversation was with our golden retriever. I was in the kitchen, and heard my partner ask the dog "Where did she go?? That was followed by the sound of a tail thumping on something. "Go get her!" The dog, who loves to play "go get them" games, cam running to look for me.

When You're Transgender, Pronouns really Do Matter

It's silly. It's no massive, groundbreaking thing. But it brought tears to the corners of my eyes. She. Her. Pronouns really do matter. I hadn't realized how very much they do until that moment.

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